“With OSO-AI, Olivier Menut is putting artificial intelligence at the service of nursing homes” by Les Echos


Co-founder ofOSO-AI, Olivier Menut has created an augmented ear for nursing homes and centers for the disabled. Real assistance for healthcare personnel and, recently, a preventive system for individuals.” We started with care facilities for the elderly, then homes for the disabled. To date, we have equipped 1,500 rooms and expect 3,000 by the end of 2023. With a non-stigmatizing and non-intrusive product like ours, we provide a different service compared to traditional remote assistance solutions such as bracelets or medallions that older people are reluctant to use. This has not escaped some mutual companies that are also interested in us.”

“It took us two years of experimentation in nursing homes and exchanges with caregivers to accumulate sound data and develop a marketable device” Olivier Menut, CEO of OSO-AI.

To be found in Les Echos, the complete portrait, written by Florence Bauchard, on the history of the creation of our company, the career of our founders and the beautiful path achieved by our Augmented ear which continues to convince, since 3,000 rooms will be equipped by the end of the year.

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