Dernières actualités : 📢 L'Oreille Augmentée des soignants en Guyane !
Latest news: 🚀 OSO-AI OSO-AI at the heart of the AI Action Summit.      --- Latest news: 🚀 OSO-AI OSO-AI at the heart of the AI Action Summit.      --- Latest news: 🚀 OSO-AI OSO-AI at the heart of the AI Action Summit.      --- Latest news: 🚀 OSO-AI OSO-AI at the heart of the AI Action Summit.      --- Latest news: 🚀 OSO-AI OSO-AI at the heart of the AI Action Summit.      --- Latest news: 🚀 OSO-AI OSO-AI at the heart of the AI Action Summit.      --- Latest news: 🚀 OSO-AI OSO-AI at the heart of the AI Action Summit.      --- Latest news: 🚀 OSO-AI OSO-AI at the heart of the AI Action Summit.      --- Latest news: 🚀 OSO-AI OSO-AI at the heart of the AI Action Summit.      --- Latest news: 🚀 OSO-AI OSO-AI at the heart of the AI Action Summit.      --- Latest news: 🚀 OSO-AI OSO-AI at the heart of the AI Action Summit.      --- Latest news: 🚀 OSO-AI OSO-AI at the heart of the AI Action Summit.      --- Latest news: 🚀 OSO-AI OSO-AI at the heart of the AI Action Summit.      --- Latest news: 🚀 OSO-AI OSO-AI at the heart of the AI Action Summit.      --- Latest news: 🚀 OSO-AI OSO-AI at the heart of the AI Action Summit.      --- Latest news: 🚀 OSO-AI OSO-AI at the heart of the AI Action Summit.      --- Latest news: 🚀 OSO-AI OSO-AI at the heart of the AI Action Summit.      ---     
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Latest news : 📢 OSO-AI at the heart of the AI Action Summit
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Vitalis | Sweden
The biggest e-health event in Scandinavia (Gothenburg in Sweden).
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The French reference appointment for health and medico-social care. Paris Expo, Porte de Versailles HALL 1.
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Go Entrepreneurs | Conference: AI Revolution
Meet our CTO at the Revolution IA conference: an infinity of opportunities for entrepreneurship! On April 9 at 10:50am.
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Only 15% of medico-social residents can use call systems.

The Enhanced Ear for Caregivers is useful to all and revolutionizes care practices.

Reduction of the mental workload of healthcare teams

Ensuring resident safety : Automated detection of multiple distress scenarios enables rapid and efficient intervention. A service that modernizes care practices for enhanced respect of residents' sleep and privacy.

Empowering caregivers : Reduced mental workload contributes to improved quality of life at work and fewer routine rounds, allowing for more time to focus on patient care.

Reassurance for families : the certainty that their loved one is safe at all times, while caregivers have more quality time to support them.


of calls detected


fall detection rate


approval rating from residents & caregivers

icone personne âgée

Nursing home

icone personne handicapée


Soignante à la MAS Phoenix d'UGECAM à Clichy.

They trust
The Enhanced Ear for Caregivers

Ministry of Solidarities and Families logo | French Government
logo Domus VI
VYV Group logo
UGECAM Group logo
logo AFIPH association familiale de l'Isère pour personnes handicapées
Logo CHRU Brest
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Logo APHP Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Paris
Logo Région Bretagne
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Logo La French Tech
French Healthcare
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Logo Europe s'engage en Bretagne
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Logo AG2R La Mondiale
Logo Technopole Brest-Iroise
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Fondation Saint Hélier
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CH de Tullins
CH de Rives
OxanceFondation Saint Hélier
aesio sante
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Night Caregiver at the EHPAD of the Kerloudan Residence, VYV Group
"Thanks to OSO, we have been able to improve the accuracy and completeness of our transmissions by identifying sleep problems in some residents, which has allowed us to adjust their care accordingly."
More complete and targeted transmissions.
Yves & Josette GUIGNARD
Residents at Kerloudan - VYV Group
“Just two days ago, another resident told me, 'I fell, I cried for help, and immediately there was an intervener.' 'It's a security for the residents and for the family. This device is a great moral support, it relieves their worry.”
When residents talk about it...
Surgeon and Chairman of Oso-AI's Scientific Committee
“Finally, without intrusion, we are able to better understand the reality of a person's life at night, especially when they are alone.”
The positive impact of the Caregivers' Augmented Ear on residents' sleep
OSO-AI Award-winning