Press Release: The Augmented Ear of caregivers, deployed in Kourou in French Guiana

OSO-AI deploys its Augmented Ear technology for Caregivers in French Guiana, within the Specialized Reception Center (MAS) in Kourou or the SOS Solidaritas Group

Kourou (Guyana), Brest (France), the February 25, 2025 — OSO-AI, technology company Deeptech pioneer of Ambient Intelligence at the service of vulnerable people and healthcare workers, announced today the deployment of its Augmented Ear technology for Caregivers in French Guiana at the Specialized Reception Center (MAS) in Kourou. This installation is being done as part of the development of the Augmented Ear for Caregivers throughout France.

Technology at the service of vulnerable people

The deployment of the Augmented Ear for Caregivers at the Specialized Reception Center in Kourou makes it possible to provide cutting-edge technology in the assistance of vulnerable people. The arrival of the Augmented Ear thus allows increased security while respecting the privacy of residents.

The device was installed on December 9, 2024, first at night in the unit dedicated to residents with an autism spectrum disorder (21 rooms). Starting in March, the system will equip 42 additional rooms, day and night, bringing the number of equipped rooms in the establishment to 63.

The technology is then fully supervised remotely by the OSO-AI technical teams.

Barbara Bertrand, Territorial Director for Disability and Justice Guyana at the SOS Solidaritas Group, says: “The residents of the TSA Unit did not have the capacity to rely on a traditional sick call. The deployment of the Augmented Ear allows us to increase our level of vigilance, while maintaining the privacy of residents. It was essential for the success of the project to involve professionals, residents and the Social Life Council (CVS) .We are satisfied to be able to offer the establishment's health professionals a reliable and efficient technological tool to improve their daily workload.”

A technology developed for residents by caregivers

Co-developed since 2018 in real conditions with establishments from the Red Cross, the Brest University Hospital and Vyv3 Handicap, the Augmented Ear for Caregivers is a unique technology in the world for analysing sounds and noises. Non-invasive and operational 24 hours a day, this solution ofAmbient Intelligence consists of a box equipped with microphones and sensors coupled with algorithms that analyze and detect in real time all suspicious sounds and noises in the environment of vulnerable populations (elderly people, people with disabilities).

This box is connected to an application on a smartphone or tablet, made available to healthcare personnel, who can thus quickly identify suspicious or abnormal situations requiring intervention.

The Augmented Ear for Caregivers was trained on several million sound samples, qualified by the OSO-AI data labeller teams. Thus, the algorithms of the Augmented Ear of Caregivers are able to accurately analyze more than 150 categories of sounds and noises such as falls, shocks, respiratory distress, sleep disorders, vomiting. This technology aims to facilitate and alleviate the work of caregivers who are responsible for vulnerable people, in specialized institutions, in strict compliance with the confidentiality of the patient-caregiver relationship.
To date, L'Ear Augdes Caregivers equips more than 3,000 rooms in France (EHPAD, Hospitals, Mas, Fam) and has begun marketing its offer internationally, particularly in Northern Europe and Japan.

About OSO-AI

OSO-AI, a French technology company specializing in Ambient Intelligence, has designed a technology that is unique in the world: the Augmented Ear for Caregivers. This revolutionary solution, based on advanced artificial intelligence and sound recognition, allows the secure remote monitoring of vulnerable people, especially in medico-social institutions. By making it easier to detect critical sounds, it not only improves the safety of residents, but also the quality of life at work for health workers.

Founded in Brest in 2018 by four engineers, all with complementary and international experience in major groups in France and the United States, OSO-AI now employs 50 highly qualified people (AI engineers and developers, data scientists, data labellers, etc.). Together, they are working to transform the daily lives of caregivers and fragile people through this innovation that is unique in the world.

Several times rewarded and awarded (Trophée E - Santé 2022, Med4Age 2021, Laureate of the Charles Foix2021 grant by Silver Valley), OSO-AI received the Digital Innovation Award 2023 during the annual SFGG days (French Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology). Member of FrenchCare & Club Excellence BPI France, OSO-AI was elected Start-up of the Year by EY.

OSO-AI participates in research projects in collaboration with La Pitie-Salpetrière. A program has been set up with the pneumology department of the Pitié-Salpetrière Hospital, with a budget of 1.5 million euros over two years, to better understand breathing through sound and its correlation to a patient's health. In 2022, OSO-AI also won a “Structures 3.0” call for projects, organized by the Digital Health Agency (ANS) which made it possible to conduct an impact study on 180 rooms in 4 nursing homes. The Augmented Ear of Caregivers is revolutionizing the way we help vulnerable people, by improving the Quality of Life at Work for Caregivers.

About the SOS Solidaritas Group

The SOS Solidaritas Group association is a major player in the social and medico-social sector in France. Its mission: to provide concrete and innovative answers to solidarity issues, to ensure that no one is at the end of their story.

With more than 342 establishments and services in mainland France and overseas, the SOS Solidaritas Group is the 1Er associative manager of care institutions with temporary accommodation, and the 2th associative actor in the fight against addictions. Each year, more than 5,000 professionals support more than 84,000 people, each according to their needs. Groupe SOS Solidaritas is one of the founding associations of the SOS Group.


Ulysse Communication

Nicolas Entz/ 3367 31 54

Yasmine Duval/ 4832 57 28


Morgane Liorzou/OSO-AI Communication-Marketing Manager /+33 6 01 92 46 37