OSO-AI announces the launch of its operations in Japan

OSO-AI announces the launch of its operations in Japan

Brest, 26th of June, 2024 - OSO-AI is a deep-tech company at the forefront of ambient intelligence for vulnerable people and caregivers. It has announced the appointment of Frédéric Dumonteil as Head of International Development in Japan. He will ensure the launchof the innovative solution, the “Augmented Ear for Caregivers”, in Japan, a pioneer of disruptive technologies in the silver economy.

Frédéric Dumonteil has lived in Japan for over 20 years, where he held the position of Subsidiary Director and Asia-Pacific Sales Director for several groups. He was responsible for the establishment and international development of these groups in the agri-food, pharmaceutical and digital sectors.

The expansion of OSO-AI's activities in Japan represents a significant step in the company'sinternational expansion. The Japanese population is ageing rapidly, with nearly 22% over 75.This represents a challenge for the care of frail and dependent people, with around 22million people in this age group. At the same time, Japan is experiencing a significantshortage of approximately 380,000 people.

It is estimated that 9.63 million people in Japan live with a disability, representingapproximately 7.6% of the total population.

The lack of affordable labour is a significant challenge for establishments catering to thedisabled, particularly in light of the ageing population and the prevailing low wages.

“The Augmented Ear for caregivers” is perfectly suited to meet the specific needs of theJapanese care sector. Furthermore, the Japanese healthcare system’s strong appeal for new technologies, combined with the dynamic relations between the Brittany region and Japan, makes it an optimal deployment sector for this technology.

Frédéric Dumonteil, Head of International Development Japan, said: "I am delighted to be joining the OSO-AI teams in Japan helping to develop “The Augmented Ear for Caregivers”.The cutting-edge technology developed by OSO-AI has been designed with residents and caregivers in mind. Several advantages will enable it to become the industry standard for monitoring frail and dependent people.

Olivier Menut, CEO of OSO-AI, commented: "Our commercial development in Japanrepresents a pivotal moment in our company's history. From its base in Brest, OSO-AI hasenjoyed rapid expansion across France, with recent developments inneighbouring countries. But we quickly realised that Japan, with its distinctive demographicsand appetite for disruptive technology, represented a significant opportunity.With Frédéric's arrival, we look forward to seeing the first installations of “The AugmentedEar for Caregivers” in Japan. This expansion is made possible by the universality of ourAI-based solution. Regardless of language, the sounds and noises of interest in the rooms offrail people are identical.

About OSO-AI

OSO-AI is a pioneering deep-tech start-up specialising in Ambient Intelligence. The company has developed a technology that is unique in the world: “The Augmented Ear for Caregivers”.This innovative solution, which makes the most of artificial intelligence and noise and soundrecognition, enables the secure, remote monitoring of vulnerable individuals and users of medico-social establishments while improving the care staff's working life.OSO-AI was established in 2018 in Brest by four engineers with extensive experience international groups in France and the United States. The company employs 50 highly qualified individuals, including AI engineers, developers, data scientists, and data labellers. At the annual meeting of the SFGG (French Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology), OSO-AI wasawarded the 1st Prize for Digital Innovation 2023. OSO-AI has just celebrated its fifthanniversary and has raised a total of €14 million in funds to support the hypergrowth of itssales in France and to expand into international markets from 2024.

For more information: https://www.oso-ai.com/en

Contacts :


Morgane Liorzou – Marketing & Communication Manager

morgane.liorzou@oso-ai.com / +33 6 01 92 46 37

Ulysse Communication

Nicolas Entz / nentz@ulysse-communication.com / +33 6 33 67 31 54

Bruno Arabian / barabian@ulysse-communication.com / +33 6 87 88 47 26